Tuesday, October 29, 2019 / by Nick Arndorfer
Cold Weather Home Tips
(Photo by Keagan Henman)
Summer didn't ease us into fall this year, did it? Remember when it went from 75 degrees to 38 degrees all in the same day? Pretty harsh. And now snow is coming!
Since you didn't have a lot of time to adjust, we thought we'd share a list of some of the important ways to winterize your home and yard, before winter sets in.
Doors and Windows - Replace worn out weather stripping and broken glass. Weather stripping and caulking helps keep your house weather tight, and lowers your heating and cooling bills. Install storm windows or use window insulation kits.
Ceiling Fans - Reverse your ceiling fan blades to keep the warm air down. Blades should turn clockwise.
Gutters - Maintain and clean your gutters by removing all debris so water can properly drain.
Roof - Replace damaged shingles. If you have a fireplace, check for gaps around the flashing.
Water Heater - Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket.
Furnace - Have your furnace and fireplace checked by a professional. Change furnace filters once a month.
Insulation - Check your home's insulation. Don't neglect basements or crawlspaces! If they are well insulated, your pipes stand a better chance of not freezing. Use heat tape where needed.
Siding - Repair or replace loose siding.
Exterior Areas - Remove all brush piles and junk piles where rodents can hide. Disconnect hoses, roll them up, and store them in a dry place. Pick up debris from the yard.
Trees - Check for loose branches. Inclement weather can cause weak trees or branches to break and damage your home, car, utility lines, or someone walking by your property.
Rodent Infestation - Seal possible entrances to your home by using expanding foam, sheet metal, steel wool, or concrete.